A Day at Our Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Have you ever wondered how a day at the 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training looks like at Pratham Yoga?
If yes, than this article is for you!
Here we share insight into what it’s like to study and train to be a certified Yoga Teacher at Pratham Yoga India in Rishikesh:
Wake up: 5.30 AM
Depending on the season, we follow slightly different schedules, but usually our dear students have to wake up around 5.30 to 6.00 AM to start active in the day. As by the holistic Ayurveda approach we follow, we suggest our students to get up early enough to have 2 cups of warm water right after wake up to stimulate their bowel movements and start freshened up to class. Our students can also voluntarily follow other Ayurvedic routines such as Tongue cleaning and Oil Pulling. The is a lovely herbal Tea served around 6.00 AM and that everyone gets ready for class 🙂
Kriya Yoga: 6.15 AM
The very first class at our Yoga Teacher Training Course is Kriya Yoga instructed by Yogi Vijay and takes place in our beautiful community garden. The students learn the most important Yogic cleansing techniques which help to get rid of daily build up mucous or toxins in the upper respiratory tract. Two of these techniques are the daily practice of Jala Neti – a small nose shower with warm slightly salted water and the occational practice of Rubber Neti – a thin rubber string that cleanses the nasal pass ways. The main purpose if those cleansing techniques is to prepare the respiratory system for the beneficial practice of Pranayama – Yogic Breathing techniques – and also to keep the respiratory system healthy and balanced.
Morning Practice – Asana, Pranayama, Mantra: 6.30 AM
Directly after the Kriya practice our students walk up to our beautiful Ganga
View Bamboo Yoga Hall, or if its warm, practice takes place on our outdoor platform with garden and village view. This class mainly taught by Yogi Vijay, is deffinitely unique and a great morning practice which integrates various Asanas combined with Mantras. Vijay Ji has developed this technique over the past 10 years of being a Yoga Teacher Trainer and his daily Sadhana (spiritual self practice). One part of the class is also the practice of and introduction of the most effective and beneficial Pranayama techniques so you will have the right foundation to practice and teach Pranayama to your future students.
Breakfast: 8.15 AM
After practice all students are looking forward to have a well deserved, delicous Yogi breakfast at our dining area. In case you don’t know it yet – India is a heaven of an incredible variety of vegetarian meals 🙂 All our breakfasts are warm, nutritious meals which are not only tasty but also light and easy to digest – qualities which are very important for practice. Some of our breakfasts include porridge, Chilla – a vegan savoury chickpea omlette, Millet pancakes, Idli (South Indian rice cakes), Poha (Rice flakes with vegetables and nuts), fruit salads, and more. Sounds mouth watering , right 🙂
PS: There is also possibility to sign up for a Yogi Meal Cooking Class on one of the Sundays, here you can learn how to prepare some of the Yogi meals we serve at our Yoga Teacher Training courses in Rishikesh.
Yoga Anatomy: 9 AM
After breakfast it’s time to dive into some interesting theory classes, like Yoga Anatomy. Our students learn the basics of human Anatomy and body positions in order to gain a greater understanding of the movements and effects of Asanas and Pranyamas on the System. Our Anatomy teacher gives his best to explain the topic as well as possible and help all students to get the ost out of this class.
Yoga Philosophy: 10 AM
The next theory class our students get to join is Yoga Philosophy with Yogi Simon Ji. In this class we explore the Patanjali Yoga Sutras which is is one of the most foundational scriptures on Yoga Philosophy and offers a wonderful start into learning about the true meaning of Yoga. Studying with Yogi Simon Ji is truly a gift since he himself has lived the path of Yoga since decades and comes with a large amount of self experience and realisation though his life journey. Many students love this class since Yoga classes in the west often lack in the Philosophical part of Yoga and its true meaning, which lies far beyond Asana as physical practice.
A 30 minute break at 11 AM allows to take a sunbath, a walk at our garden or enjoy a cup of tea.
Adjustment and Alignment, Methodology: 11.30 AM
We meet again at our beautiful Ganga View Yoga Hall and dive right into practice. This class is one of them ost important classes for all who intend to teach Yoga and learn how to safely adjust students of all levels of practice by hands-on or verbal guidelines. The class discusses a variety of postures in detail, its benefits, counterindications and how to get in and out of the posture in the most gentle way.
Further students learn how to set up a class, create harmonious flows, a safe space of practice and a memorable class which will want your future students to come back to you!
Time for Lunch: 1 PM
Delicious Yogi Lunch is waiting for you at our dining area in a buffet style set up. Our Lunch is a well balanced Ayurveda oriented meal which nourishes you with the right amount of nutrients. We always have vegan and vegetarian options (or gluten free in case of allergy) and our dear chef Girish Joshi tries his best to cook food with fresh ingrediens, positive energy and high hygienic standards – all you need to stay fit during a Yoga Teacher Training Course at Pratham Yoga.
Afternoon break until 3 PM
Enjoy a good rest while relxing in your room or garden, take a walk along the banks of Ganga. You can also use the time to write your personal journal or study and read through what you have learned during the classes. Maybe you also would like to enjoy a Ayurveda or Deep tissure massag by Mrs. Usha, our professional Massage Therapist?
Ayurveda and Yogic Nutrition: 3 PM
A well structured class led by Yoginin Carolin, leads you into the foundations of Ayurveda and Yogic Nutrition with the aim to make our students understand the importance of the right diet to gain the most benefits out of the practice. The classes end with an Ayurveda consultation with a well experienced Ayurveda Doctor who gives you some very useful lifestyle and diet advice and help determining your Prakriti or Birth constitution also known as Dosha. When ever we have time we will also dive into practical Ayurveda sessions and learn how to make Ghee, Oats milk, Almond milk, or some easy to make natural Ayurvedic home remedies and cosmetics.
Afternoon Asana Pratice: 4.30 PM
In the late afternoon we gather for an active Vinyasa Yoga Practice with a variation of highly beneficial flows and sequences. The afternoon class is a different style than the morning practice which gives you opportunity to learn to practice and/or teach a variation of styles to your future students.
Tea break: 6.15 PM
Enjoy a lovely evening tea while whatching the Sunset from our Outdoor platform ♥
Meditation: 6.30 PM
Finaly we close the day of pracice with a beautiful Meditation practice. During the course you will be introduced to a couple of diferent Meditation practices and decide for yourself if you wish to continue practice of a particular one for your self practice.
Yogi Dinner: 7.30 PM
Enjoy a delicios dinner at our dining hall and ground yourslef after a day of practice ♥ After Dinner you can relax, read, play a game or take an evening walk in the local area.
Once a week we watch spiritual movies or documentaries together.
Bed time: 10 PM
Get your good night sleep and rest so you can digest what ever happened during the day and be fit for the next day!
Karma Yoga:
During your stay at Pratham Yoga you will get a small daily Karma Yoga task to complete which involves for example emptying the organic bin and feeding the cows and bulls, watering the plants, wiping the tables after dining, paining some river stones for decoration, and more.
A day at our Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is packed with high value learning experience but also you will discover and learn a lot about yourself during the course. All of our so far graduated students have found the daily routine and shared knowledge very helpful and even life transforming ♥
Do you think you would enjoy a day immersed in Yoga study in India? What would you like about it?
Comment below !
If you have any personal questions to our courses, you are always welcome to contact us at info@prathamyoga.com
Get more insight into our practice and events on IG: pratham_yoga