Introduction of our Holistic 200 hours Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
Pratham Yoga offers certified 100, 200, 300 and 500 hours Yoga Teacher Training Courses (certified with Yoga Alliance USA) which have their main focus in Hatha and Vinyasa Flow Yoga with integrated Ayurveda.
This training offers a beautiful holistic approach and provides insight to the most important foundations of practicing and teaching Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga including Asana (physical practice), Kriya (Yogic cleansing), Pranayama (Yogic Breath work), Meditation & Relaxation, Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy (Patajanjali Yoga Sutras),, Methodology (Learn how to teach), Mantra (sacred prayer) and Ayurveda. Further the students will dive into creative sequencing of Vinyasa Flow Yoga with the main learning objective to be able to create one's own sequence for each level of practitioner by end of the course.
Along with all classes students receive guidance and mentoring from Leadtrainers and participate in weekly sharing circles which gives opportunity to talk about and express personal experiences during the course and build a strong relationship with fellow students and the team
Our Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Retreats take place in the beautiful outskirts of Rishikesh, where sages and pilgrims come since ancient times to seek answers to their quests of life and enter states of deep meditation. Due to large amount of hotels, tourist rush and traffic in Tapovan, Laxmanjhula and Ramjhula, Pratham Yoga Family has decided to move to the serene outskirts of Rishikesh, in a perfectly quiet and laid back area next to Ganga river.
Click here for a daily schedule example.
Syllabus at our 200 hr YTTC
Yogic cleansing techniques
The students will learn different types of classical Kriyas both for beginners and advanced. Practise will be in the morning directly after wake up. After receiving instructions practise has to be done by one self.
- Jal Neti
- Rubber Neti
- Kunjal
- Nauli
- Kapalabhati
- Tratak
- Aganisara
- Uddiyana
- What is concentration?
- What is meditation?
- Benefits and contra – indications
- AUM meditation
- Chakra Meditation
- Group meditation
- Dynamic meditation
- Kundalini Meditation
- Breathing Meditation
- Meditative Painting
- Vipassana Meditation
Explore different types of relaxation, concentrartion and meditation techniques under the guidance of meditation master Yogaacharya Siddhant Ji, who teaches daily sessions of 60 minutes of meditation.
Classes with Siddhant Ji are a real transformation for almost all of our students.
These classes take place in the evening to bring about a beautiful closing of the day and create a beautiful evening routine which can be continued by you after the course.
Daily morning class of Asanas to strengthen the body, tone muscles and improve flexibility with step by step guidance to a save practice. Learn how to sequence your class harmoniously including many variations, so that the students will be able to teach beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners.
Daily afternoon practice of Alignment introduces various adjustment techniques of all the Asanas practiced in the morning classes. The students will learn how to adjust beginners, intermediates and advanced practitioners safely and learn how to protect the body while Asana practice.
There will be a total of approximately 82 Asanas taught in the 200 hrs training by Yoga master Vijay Ji. The main style of the course is Hatha Vinyasa Flow, which is a gentle yet energizing flow, a combination of both Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga.
There are many elements of Iyengar Yoga integrated, so that students can learn how to use block, belt, and pillow to go deeper in their practice and to learn new variations.
The list of total Asanas you can see below:
2. Pincha Myurasana
3. Utthita Trikonasana
4. Parivrtta Trikonasana
5. Utthita Parsvakonasana
6. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
7. Prasarita Padottanasana A B C & D
8. Parsvottanasana
9. Eka Pada Padangusthasana A B C & D
10. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
11. Utkatasana
12. Virabhadrasana A & B
13. Dandasana
14. Paschimottanasana A B C & D
15. Purvattanasana
16. Ardha Baddha Padma Uttanasana
17. Triang Mukaikapada Pashimottanasana
18. Janu Sirsasana A B & C
19. Marichyasana A B C & D
20. Navasana
21. Bhujapidasana
22. Kurmasana
23. Supta Kurmasana
24. Garbha Pindasana
25. Kukkutasana
26. Baddha Konasana A & B
27. Konasana
28. Upavishta Konasana
29. Supta Konasana
30. Supta Padangusthasana A & B
31. Ubhaya Padanghusthasana
32. Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
33. Setu Bandhasana
34. Urdhva Dhanurasana
35. Salamba Sarvangasana
36. Halasana
37. Karnapidasana
38. Urdhva Pindasana
39. Matsyasana
40. Urdhva Padmasana
41. Sirsasana
42. Urdhva Dandasana
43. Baddha Padmasana
44. Yogimudra
45. Uplutih
46. Savasana
1. Pawanmuktasana series 1
2. Pawanmuktasana serie 2
3. Pawanmuktasana series 3
4. Surya Namaskar ( sun salutation)
5. Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
6. Tadasana (palm tree pose)
7. Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
8. Trikonasana (triangle pose)
9. Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose
10. Uttkatasana –chair pose
11. Virbhdrasana 1 -warrior 1
12. Virbhdrasana 2 -warrior 2
13. Virbhdrasana 3 -warrior 3
14. Ardha Chandrasana- Half moon pose
15. Vriksasana – tree pose
16. Parvatasana – mountain pose
17. Adho mukha svanasana – downward facing dog
18. Kati chakrasana – waist rotating pose
19. Malasana – squatted yoga pose
20. Garudasana – eagle pose
21. Baddha Konasana- bound angle pose
22. Rajkapoot asana – pegion pose
23. Bhujanghasana – cobra pose
24. Urdhva mukha svanasana –upward facing dog
25. Matsyasana-
26. Setu Bhandasana
27. Utrasana
28. Dhanurasana
29. Salabhasana
30. Supta Virasana- reclining hero pose
31. Virasana –hero pose
32. Vajrasana –thunderbolt
33. Gomukhasana
34. Balasana
35. Dandasana
36. Ardha Matsyendrasana
- What is Hatha?
- What is Vinyasa?
- Standing Series of Asana
- Sitting Series of Asana
- Kneeling Series of Asana
- Lying on back / stomach series of Asana
- Inversions
- Surya Namaskar plus Variations
- Surya Namaskar Mantra Flow
- Breath and Asana
- How to use props correctly
- Benefits of Asana and contra indications
- Harmonious and creative sequencing
- How to adjust practitioners safely
- Variations of adjustments (beginner – intermediate – advanced)
- Mantra & Asana – a deep connection
- Mudra
- What is Pranayama?
- What is Prana?
- What are the Nadis?
- Which are the main Pranayama techniques?
- Seven main Pranayama practises
- The 5 Prana Vayus
- Pranayama and effect on Doshas as per Ayurveda
Yogic breathing techniques

In the practice of daily Pranayam (Yogic breathing) Yoga master Vijay Ji is guiding the students through breath awareness and the main practices of Pranayama, which all support to clear and purify the body’s energy channels (Nadis) and are very important to prepare the body and mind for higher practices of Yoga like Dharana and Dhyana. (Concentration and Meditation). He will explain a closer view on the health benefits and contraindications of each Pranayama technique.
Body locks
- What is Bandha and why to use it?
- How use Bandha?
- Benefits of Bandha
- Integration of Bandha in Asana practise
- What is Yoga?
- Introduction to Hatha Yoga
- Origin & History of Hath Yoga
- Introduction to teachings of Bhagavad Gita (with emphasis on Karma, Bhakti and Jnana)
- Readings from Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Ethics and modern living
- Consciousness & awareness, evolution of awareness
- Panch Kosha (five covering of sheaths over consciousness)
- Annamaya Kosha (physical sheath) – Gross body – Conscious state
- Panch Tatva (five elements)
- Sapt-dhatu (seven tissues)
- Pranamaya Kosha (energy sheaths) – Subtle body – Subconscious state
- Panch Prana (five vital airs)
- Karmendriya (five organs of action)
- Nadi (subtle energy channels)
- Tri-Shakti (tried energy)
- Shat Chakra (six centre of energy transformations)
- Kundalini and Granthis
- Manomaya Kosha (mental sheath) – Subtle body – Subconscious state
- Manas (mind) Buddi (lower intellect) Chitta (memory) Ahamkar (ego) Jnanedriya (five senses)
- Jnanamaya Kosha (intuitive sheath) – Sutble body – Subconscious State
- Buddhi (highter intellect)
- Ananadmaya Kosha (bliss sheath) – Casual body – Unconscious state
- Turiya- Pure consciousness
- Introduction to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and 8 Limbs of yoga
- Panch-Klesha (five causes of pain and miseries)
- Raja yoga
- Pranic body, five major/minor pranas, five sheaths (panch kosha)
Yoga Philosophy
Following topics will be introduced to the students to deepen and awaken the students understanding of Yoga. Philosophy classes are taught by Philosophy master Siddhant Ji, who has a vast knowledge about Yogic Philosophy such as Vedanta, Bhagawat Gita and Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Philosophy classes at Pratham Yoga should not only offer a guide to deeper understanding of Yoga, but also connect the ancient knowledge of Yoga to modern life.
Through real life examples students get a very special connection to what the sacred scriptures offer.
Recitation of sacred sound
Classical Chanting: The following Mantras will be taught at our Yoga Teacher Training and practiced with the students on a regular basis. The recitation of those sacred Sanskrit syllables creates a certain vibration within your subtle energy system that connects you with divine consciousness.
Bhajan/Kirtan: Besides classical chanting in classes, we also have Bhajans / Kirtan where we meet all together and chant sacred Mantras with instruments and candle light ♥ These are very beautiful and heart opening evenings which potentially build up incredible energy fields.
- Ganesh Mantra
- Gayatri Mantra
- Guru Mantra
- Om Purnamada
- Om sahana vavatu
- Yogena Chittasya
- Devi strotam
- Om tryambakam
- Om Asato Maa sadgamaya
- What is Yogic nutrition?
- Benefits of Yogic nutrition
- Which food to favour?
- Qualities of food
- What is Ayurveda?
- The 3 Doshas
- History of Ayurveda
- Mindful eating
- Prayer and food
- Health According to Ayurveda
- The concept of disease
- The six tastes
- The 7 tissues
- The 5 great Elements
- Food combinations
- Tridosha - Prakriti
- Hot to balance the doshas
- The 4 Purusharthas
A rich guide to Yogic Nutrition: Learn about "The Yogic way of eating" and how Yogic Sciences already talk since thousands of years about the mental, emotional and physiological connection of diet and the body, mind, spirit. Learn why Yogic diet is so important to gain full benefits of Yoga practice.
Food as meditation: At our center we have all meals in silence, in order to practice mindful eating and increase awareness around meals.
Ayurveda Foundation: Study the foundations of Ayurveda, the Sister Science of Yoga and one of the worlds most ancient medical systems, which gains immense interest and growth all over the world over the past years through famous personalities like Deepak Chopra, Davic Frawley, and more. This ancient way of living offers a complete way to live in balance and harmony. In India we say that every Yoga Teacher MUST know the foundations of Ayurveda and every Ayurveda Doctor must know the foundations of Yoga.
Applied Ayurveda: Along with a rich exploration in theory, we also have chance to have some practical workshops together to learn how to make Ghee, Ojas drink, Almond Milk, Face masks, herbal tea introduction and more.
- How to set up a class
- Time management and harmonious sequencing, creativity in flows
- Qualities of an authentic teacher, instruction
- Alignment and Adjustment including variations
- Body protection, dealing with injuries and safe practise
- Introduction to Sanskrit terminology
- Awareness for physical limitations of students
- Mindful speaking – how to use voice at a class
Basic knowledge about human anatomy is transmitted through a qualified Anatomy teacher to understand the basic body functions, will will help to get a better understanding of the medical approach of Yoga.
Deeper Anatomy will be taught in our 300 hours YTTC (one of our upcoming 200 hrs YTTC takes place in October 2023.)
Anatomy classes are held over a time period of around 12 days in the course.
- Understading of basic Anatomy related to Yoga
- Structure of physical body
- Skeleton System
- Muscular System
- Nervous System
- Blood circulation & Metabolism
- Digestion and Excretion
- Energy systems, Chakras, Nadis
- Extension, Flexion, Hyperextension, Rotation, Abduction, Adduction, Circumduction
- Joints Anatomy
- 3 Bodies - subtle body, gross body, casual body
These additional workshops are amazing possibilities to learn about some alternative Yoga related topics. Extra workshops take place once the syllabus is complete and students are eager to join!
> Pregnancy Yoga Introduction: Learn the basics of Prenatal Yoga to you feel save in case a pregnant student joins your regular class
> Meditative Painting
> Sattvic cooking Work shops: Learn hot to make Ghee, Plant based nut milks, Ayurvedic Tea, or Facebmasks
> Sound Healing in a group or private Session with our Sound healer Varun Ji (Fees - Between 500 and 2000 INR pp)
> Ayurveda Cooking class: Our chef and Ayurveda Teacher join together to teach you a delicious meal selection. (Fees 500 INR pp)
There will be an exam in following topics in theory: Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy, Asana, Pranayama, Kriya with a combination of mulitple choice and text questionaire related to all topics covered during the course. Further there is a practical exam in the end of the course, where each of our students gets the unique chance to prepare and teach a 60 min class to their fellow class mates under observation of the lead trainers. All teachers prepare the students for the exam during revision classes and are always keen on listening to the trainees and helping to understand the content.
All exams must be joined and sucessfully passed in order to receive the certificate of 200 hours RYT Yoga Alliance.
Pratham Yoga Special: At Pratham Yoga we give chances to learn teaching of short sequences and gain confidence throughout the complete training: right from the beginning until the final week of the course.
YTTC Fees including
- Lessons of all subject (schedule)
- Neti Pot and Rubber Neti for Kriya Yoga
- Hand out / course book
- Accommodation in shared room
- Food and drinks
- Ayurveda consultation / massage
- Free Airport pick up
- Free Prenatal Yoga introduction
- Free healthy Snack upon arrival
- Ganga beach Yoga class
- Weekend trips to spiritual destinations
Apply now
limited number of participants
Pratham Yoga Teacher Training Course
Time Table
Schedule Example (exact timings depend on season)
Timing | Class | Teacher |
06:00 a.m. | Wake up | |
06:30 A.M. | Morning Tea | |
06:45 - 07:00 a.m. | Kriya (Yogic cleansing) | Vijay Ji |
07:00 - 09:00 a.m. | Hatha Yoga Asana & Pranayama | Vijay Ji |
09:15 - 09:45 a.m. | Breakfast | |
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. | Philosophy | Yogi Simon Ji |
11:15 - 12:45 a.m. | Asana Adjustment / Alignment | Vijay Ji / Rahul Ji |
01:00 - 01:30 p.m. | Lunch | |
01:30 - 02:50 p.m. | Rest / Self study | |
03:00 - 04:00 p.m. | Yoga Anatomy / Ayurveda | Dr. Girish Ji / Mrs. Carolin Dutt |
04:00 - 05:30 p.m. | Asana Vinyasa Flow | Rahul Ji |
05:45 p.m. | Evening Tea / Juice | |
06:00 - 07:00 p.m. | Meditation / Mantra | Ram Ji / Vijay Ji |
07:15 - 07:45 p.m. | Dinner | |
08:00 - 09:00 p.m. | Self Study, relax | |
10:00 p.m. | Lights Off | |
*Schedule example | Schedule timings depend on season |