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Why to join a 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course

Joining a 200 hours YTTC has become a one of the most popular courses over the past decade. With growing interest in Yoga worldwide, many people  feel drawn to dive deeper into the matter and decide to sign up your a beginners YTTC. These programs are a great start to learn the basics of Yoga and get a first idea on what it’s like to teach Yoga to others. However many students want to take the next step and improve their practice, teaching skills and gain the necessary confidence to make a sucessfull career out of the love to Yoga practice ♥ If you are wondering wether to join a 300 hours advanced YTTC  – the following points may give you some interesting insights:  
  1. Refresh practice
Many students who join a 200 hours YTTC by itself reach to a plateau phase in their teaching path after some time. They teach regularly but feel something is missing. This might be a sign that you are ready for the second part of your Yoga Teacher Training. Joining a 300 hours course, can often bring refreshment into one’s practice or teaching ways. New paths can be discovered which can bring creative energy back to practice and teaching.  
  1. Built a strong foundation and go for 500 hours course directly:
Some students who are very dedicated decide to directly join a 500 hours course and complete the both courses after another. This is a great option for all who can take off their job for a longer period of time, and are ready to fully emerge themselves into the studies. Most Indian Teachers train for many months of not years before they actually start teaching, so the decision to directly complete 500 hours of YTTC is surely a good one if you want to receive the most professional education within a shorter period of time.
  1. Gain knowledge and fill in gaps of knowledge
No  matter how good a 200 hours YTTC is structured and how experienced the teachers are – there is no way that all Yoga can be learnt in this foundation course. The 300 hours course aims to fill in gaps of knowledge and introduce new techniques and methods. If you feel ready to learn more – this is for you!  
  1. Dive deeper
The 300 hours course is repeating parts of the 200 hours course in order to memorize and additionally adding a few new chapters of Yoga practice and Teaching methodology. It’s a great way to get more opportunities of professional feedback on teaching styles, adjustment techniques etc.  
  1. Gain confidence & Build a stable self practice
  Many fresh teachers lose track of a stable self practice in their daily schedule – the routine of the 300 hours program can be a great restart of a daily self practice which is highly beneficial to gain most benefits from all aspects of Yoga – be it Asana, Pranayama, Meditation or Mantra and Kriya etc.   Yogi Vijay Ji always reminds students of two points: 1) Only regular practice brings up the true fruits of the path of Yoga and  2) Certificate alone does not make a good teacher. A great, knowledgeable and confident teacher is the one, who can teach from her/his own experience through regular self practice.   If you are looking for an authentic practice path join Pratham Yoga for your 300 hours YTTC. Pratham Yoga is an outstanding Training school in Rishikesh, India where many schools are located. Years of training experience and Rishikeshs most beautiful located Yoga Center, will make your learning experience unforgettable.

Pratham Yoga Center

  Upcoming starting date: 4 October 2022 Read more here: Apply Coupon CODE to get -15 % of the course fees: 300hrsformyself

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