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Posts by Pratham Yoga

10 Reasons to Pursue a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Have you ever finished a yoga class feeling refreshed, centered, and inspired? Maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “I wish I could share this amazing experience with others.” Well, you’re not alone! Many yoga enthusiasts find themselves drawn to the idea of becoming a yoga teacher. But is it really worth investing your time and money…

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Adho Mukha Svanasana: How to Transition Smoothly from Any Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga

Many people call it the Downward-Facing Dog pose. It represents the balance and stability in yoga. Moving smoothly into this pose from many positions is an art. It adds fluidity and grace to your practice. It’s like a symphony conductor guiding musicians. Mastering these transitions takes attention to detail and mindfulness. In this article, we…

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Parvatasana: Uncover Why the Mountain Pose is Essential in Yoga

Parvatasana yoga

Parvatasana, or the Mountain Pose, is often seen as a simple start in yoga. But its importance goes far beyond its simplicity. This pose is foundational. It embodies strength, stability, and alignment. It provides a solid base for your physical and mental well-being. You stand tall and grounded, like a mountain. You build balance and…

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